The Nikon N2020 / F-501 – Nikon’s answer to the Minolta Maxxum

To say that Minolta set the photography world on its ear with the release of the Maxxum 7000 is an understatement. And as I’ve brought up before, auto-focus technology had been around for several years prior to the release of the Maxxum. But no manufacturer seemed to know what to do with it. Was it something that pros wanted? Or was it something that would feature better on entry-level cameras?

Nikon initially tried it on a pro body – the Nikon F3AF. Canon tried it on their entry-level T80. Neither really took off. But Minolta somehow caught lightning in a bottle with the Maxxum 7000 – it was a huge hit that sat somewhere in the middle between entry-level and pro. And they had an entire system of accessories and lenses to back it up.

The first significant answer to the Maxxum was from Nikon in 1986 – the N2020. So, how does it stack up against the Minolta? Check out the video below for a in-depth review and photo shoot in Chattanooga TN.

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