My Favorite Entry-Level Film Cameras

One of the things I do on a regular basis is teach community photography classes through the local university here. I’ve been doing that since the mid-1990s and it’s something I really do enjoy. And one of the reasons I’m so invested in the idea of photographic education is that when I was a lot younger and beginning my photography career, I didn’t have the same opportunity. And I really didn’t have a mentor to help me sort out the useful information from the useless. So, I try to be that person for anyone who wants to learn photography. I want to support my students the best way I know how.

So, when a new student – or a potential student who is just starting out – is asking me for recommendations on a good “entry-level” camera, there are a few requirements that I think a camera considered as such should have.

First – it shouldn’t be overly complex and loaded up with features that will complicate the learning process.

Second – the price should be reasonable.

Thirdly – and most importantly – it should be a camera that is capable of creating great photos and “furthering their interest in the craft.” Now that last part is important.

And, finally – it should be part of a overall system that offers great lenses and accessories that the photographer can use to continue to improve their skills.

Check out the video for more details and info on some of my favorites. I’ll go ahead and apologize for leaving Pentax out of this list altogether. It’s a glaring omission. No one could claim that the K-1000 isn’t the PERFECT entry-level film camera.

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