2022: A Banner Year for Film Photography

Kodak Gold 200 in 120 format.
Image Credit: Kodak

As 2022 draws to a close, I think it’s appropriate to recognize what an historic year this has been for film shooters. If you’re like me, you love using your old film cameras but are continually haunted by the ghost of obsolescence. As each year passes and those machines get older, I’m well aware of the thing I love so much getting closer to outright extinction. But this year has given me hope – as well as evidence that our collective passion for film photography is, indeed, keeping film alive.

It started last spring when Kodak brought forth a brand new film stock in 120 size – Kodak Gold 200. After years and years of discontinuing some of our favorite films, Big Yellow actually gave us something new. I really can’t overemphasize the significance of this. In a word – this was HUGE.

Kodak started the year off in a way that most of us didn’t like by imposing 15% price increases on existing film stocks. It was a bittersweet moment. We certainly felt the pinch in our wallets, but it was a sign that demand was rising and that Kodak was adjusting. It was a sign that in a boardroom somewhere, film was being discussed in a positive way. Then they shocked us all by giving us a new medium format film at a very reasonable price point.

New Kentmere Pan 120 size in 100 and 400 speeds.
Image Credit: Harman Technologies

Fast forward to yesterday – December 1, 2022 – when Ilford announced they would be releasing Kentmere 100 and Kentmere 400 in 120 size. I’ve often thought how nice it would be to have those two film stocks in 120 size. Well, I’m close to finding out because I immediately pre-ordered 5 rolls. I don’t think I’ve ever purchased anything whatsoever on the first day that it’s available. I’m certainly not an early-adopter of anything – except for new film apparently.

On Ilford’s website it is noted that they conducted a global survey of over 8600 film users. And the survey showed that nearly 75% of film users are shooting 120-size films. Think about that. Three-quarters of film photographers are using medium-format cameras.

As I said in the title, this is truly a banner year for film photography. When two of the three big-hitters in the film world (we’re looking at you FujiFilm) release new films, it’s the validation us film-shooters have been craving. So a big “thank you” to Kodak and Ilford for listening. And thank you to the 75% of film shooters for helping keep film alive!

Happy shooting!

By the way – you better get that medium format camera you always wanted quick. I get a sense that used prices are going to be rising!

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